Leucaena Carbon Forum
Presentations and discussions from The Leucaena Network’s Carbon Forum, held in Rockhampton on the 26 October, provoked significant discussions nationally on the efficacy of carbon offset proposals.
Professor Richard Eckard, speaking at the Forum noted that, given Australia’s variable climate and rainfall, it would be difficult to rely on improving soil carbon to offset Australia’s emissions.
His comments were subsequently noted in national news, challenging Australia’s commitment to net-zero 2050.
The Forum, supported by MLA, included presentations on grazing systems to improve soil carbon, methods for the reduction of bovine enteric emissions, explanations of the current and potential options for the inclusion of leucaena in carbon offset programs also engendered extensive discussion and debate, both from the Forum’s sixty attendees and online.
Forum attendees, Stephen and Christine Williams of ‘Yathong’, Dalby believe their attendance at the Forum provided value to their grazing business.
“The Forum was an excellent introduction to the carbon issue for graziers, allowing us to hear from the researchers themselves, how our on-farm activities can assist with improving our property’s productivity as well as our carbon footprint,” they said.
“We are now very aware of the potential opportunities and responsibilities of becoming involved in a carbon project.”
Stephen and Christine acknowledge that the Forum was just the start of their potential carbon journey.
“It is frustrating to realise that the on-farm sustainable practices we have been implementing for years cannot be considered for a project and that any future project would be based on practice change from the commencement of the project,” they said.
“However, with this and other knowledge from the Forum, we can now progress our own investigations into whether this is something that is suitable for our business and for us personally. It has given us a good base to work from!”